Saturday, December 19, 2009

quote of the day...

"when my mommy was a baby, i was her uncle."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

doctor's visit...

at kyler's 4 year well-check appointment, he was pretty excited to go see the doctor because he really wanted a sucker.

in addition to the standard check-up, kyler also had his first hearing and vision tests. (he passed with flying colors...)

when the doc walked in, kyler said, "hey doctor curtis. what's up?" after some small talk, doc asked me if i wanted to go ahead and start his first round of kindergarten vaccinations so that he was ahead of schedule and ready to go. he also recommended the h1n1 vaccine. i agreed, somewhat reluctantly, and he asked kyler how he felt about it.

doc: the first one will just be a little spray in your nose and the other two are pokes in your arm.

kyler: ummm, well, can mine mom just do that at our home?

doc: nah, it's really something we need to do here.

kyler: ok.

well, needless to really say, the nasal spray was simple and the other two got tears. from both of us.

that appointment was two days ago. he still has the band-aid on.

i have a feeling the next round of shots, in two months, will not be nearly so smooth...

we will keep you posted...

whisper wednesday

although "whisper wednesday" is a term my co-teacher and i use in our classroom, the phrase took on a new look this morning. as some of you know, i have been pretty sick lately (if you ask kyler, he will tell you it's because of him since i can't ever stop kissing him) and the last few days i have had no voice for a couple of hours in the morning. this morning, kyler woke up and asked if he could wake up now, and i tried to answer 'yes' but the only sound that came out was a hoarse whisper. we tried to have a short conversation using only whispering voices until kyler put his hands on my cheeks and whispered, "ok. why are we whispering? i'm done with this game." he promptly scooted off the bed and walked out of the room.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

tonight's goodnight conversation

laying in bed... kyler snuggled up behind my back with his little face nestled in my neck...

mommy: man, my nose sure does hurt!

kyler: from blowing it too much?

mommy: yeah.

kyler: aww! (he pats my cheek)

mommy: it feels a little better when you are next to me.

kyler: *sniff* mine heart is broken. *sniff*

mommy: oh no! how did that happen?

kyler: *sniff* the decepticons just breakted it. *sniff*

mommy: wow. have you ever had your heart broken before?

kyler: no. this is just the first time.


silence and snuggly-ness...


kyler: it just doesn't break as much when you are with me.


ok, so quite a few people have requested that i write a book or start a reality television series all about the cute and funny things kyler says. (just in case a random somebody is reading this, kyler is my 4 year old son). so, instead of rushing out and calling agents or publishers, i thought i would start a blog designated for simply that purpose. to share with everyone the things he says and the things he does that make him, quite possibly, the most intruiging four-year-old any of us knows.