Tuesday, December 15, 2009

tonight's goodnight conversation

laying in bed... kyler snuggled up behind my back with his little face nestled in my neck...

mommy: man, my nose sure does hurt!

kyler: from blowing it too much?

mommy: yeah.

kyler: aww! (he pats my cheek)

mommy: it feels a little better when you are next to me.

kyler: *sniff* mine heart is broken. *sniff*

mommy: oh no! how did that happen?

kyler: *sniff* the decepticons just breakted it. *sniff*

mommy: wow. have you ever had your heart broken before?

kyler: no. this is just the first time.


silence and snuggly-ness...


kyler: it just doesn't break as much when you are with me.

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